Data Structures | Namespaces | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
Common utility classes and functions.

Detailed Description

Data Structures

class  Arc::Config
 Configuration element - represents (sub)tree of ARC XML configuration. More...
class  Arc::BaseConfig
 Configuration for client interface. More...
class  Arc::ArcLocation
 Determines ARC installation location. More...
class  Arc::RegularExpression
 A regular expression class. More...
class  Arc::ArcVersion
 Determines ARC HED libraries version at runtime. More...
class  Arc::Base64
 Base64 encoding and decoding. More...
class  Arc::CheckSum
 Interface for checksum manipulations. More...
class  Arc::CRC32Sum
 Implementation of CRC32 checksum. More...
class  Arc::MD5Sum
 Implementation of MD5 checksum. More...
class  Arc::Adler32Sum
 Implementation of Adler32 checksum. More...
class  Arc::CheckSumAny
 Wrapper for CheckSum class. More...
class  Arc::Counter
 A class defining a common interface for counters. More...
class  Arc::CounterTicket
 A class for "tickets" that correspond to counter reservations. More...
class  Arc::ExpirationReminder
 A class intended for internal use within counters. More...
class  Arc::Period
 A Period represents a length of time. More...
class  Arc::Time
 A class for storing and manipulating times. More...
class  Arc::FileAccess
 Defines interface for accessing filesystems. More...
class  Arc::FileAccessContainer
 Container for shared FileAccess objects. More...
class  Arc::FileLock
 A general file locking class. More...
class  Arc::HostnameResolver
 Defines interface for accessing filesystems. More...
class  Arc::HostnameResolverContainer
 Container for shared HostnameResolver objects. More...
class  Arc::IniConfig
 Class representing "ini-style" configuration. More...
class  Arc::IntraProcessCounter
 A class for counters used by threads within a single process. More...
class  Arc::IString
 Class used for localised output of log messages. More...
struct  Arc::LoggerFormat
 Struct to contain LogFormat, to use with operator<<(std::ostream&, const LoggerFormat&) More...
class  Arc::LogMessage
 A class for log messages. More...
class  Arc::LogDestination
 A base class for log destinations. More...
class  Arc::LogStream
 A class for logging to ostreams. More...
class  Arc::LogFile
 A class for logging to files. More...
class  Arc::Logger
 A logger class. More...
class  Arc::MySQLDatabase
 Implements a MySQL version of the Database interface. More...
class  Arc::MySQLQuery
 Implements a MySQL version of the Query database query class. More...
class  Arc::OptionParser
 Command line option parser used by ARC command line tools. More...
class  Arc::Profile
 Class used to convert human-friendly ini-style configuration to XML. More...
class  Arc::Run
 This class runs an external executable. More...
class  Arc::ThreadDataItem
 Base class for per-thread object. More...
class  Arc::Thread
 Base class for simple object associated thread. More...
class  Arc::AutoLock< T >
class  Arc::SimpleCondition
 Simple triggered condition. More...
class  Arc::SimpleCounter
 Thread-safe counter with capability to wait for zero value. More...
class  Arc::TimedMutex
 Mutex which allows a timeout on locking. More...
class  Arc::SharedMutex
 Mutex which allows shared and exclusive locking. More...
class  Arc::ThreadedPointer< T >
 Wrapper for pointer with automatic destruction and multiple references. More...
class  Arc::ThreadRegistry
 A set of conditions, mutexes, etc. conveniently exposed to monitor running child threads and to wait till they exit. More...
class  Arc::ThreadInitializer
 This class initializes the glibmm thread system. More...
class  Arc::URL
 Class to represent general URLs. More...
class  Arc::URLLocation
 Class to hold a resolved URL location. More...
class  Arc::PathIterator
 Class to iterate through elements of a path. More...
class  Arc::User
 Platform independent representation of system user. More...
class  Arc::UserSwitch
 Class for temporary switching of user id. More...
class  Arc::ConfigEndpoint
 Represents the endpoint of service with a given type and GLUE2 InterfaceName. More...
class  Arc::initializeCredentialsType
 Defines how user credentials are looked for. More...
class  Arc::UserConfig
 User configuration class More...
class  Arc::CertEnvLocker
 Class for handling X509* variables in a multi-threaded environment. More...
class  Arc::EnvLockWrapper
 Class to provide automatic locking/unlocking of environment on creation/destruction. More...
class  Arc::InterruptGuard
 Marks off a section of code which should not be interrupted by signals. More...
class  Arc::AutoPointer< T >
 Wrapper for pointer with automatic destruction. More...
class  Arc::CountedPointer< T >
 Wrapper for pointer with automatic destruction and multiple references. More...
class  Arc::WatchdogListener
 This class is meant to provide interface for Watchdog executor part. More...
class  Arc::WatchdogChannel
 This class is meant to be used in code which provides "I'm alive" ticks to watchdog. More...
class  Arc::NS
 Class to represent an XML namespace. More...
class  Arc::XMLNode
 Wrapper for LibXML library Tree interface. More...
class  Arc::XMLNodeContainer
 Container for multiple XMLNode elements. More...


 Arc namespace contains all core ARC classes.


#define ARC_VERSION   "6.0.0"
#define ARC_VERSION_NUM   0x060000
#define stringtoi(A)   stringto < int > ((A))
#define stringtoui(A)   stringto < unsigned int > ((A))
#define stringtol(A)   stringto < long > ((A))
#define stringtoll(A)   stringto < long long > ((A))
#define stringtoul(A)   stringto < unsigned long > ((A))
#define stringtoull(A)   stringto < unsigned long long > ((A))
#define stringtof(A)   stringto < float > ((A))
#define stringtod(A)   stringto < double > ((A))
#define stringtold(A)   stringto < long double > ((A))


typedef std::list< XMLNodeArc::XMLNodeList


enum  Arc::TimeFormat {
  Arc::MDSTime, Arc::ASCTime, Arc::UserTime, Arc::ISOTime,
  Arc::UTCTime, Arc::RFC1123Time, Arc::EpochTime, Arc::UserExtTime,
 An enumeration that contains the possible textual time formats. More...
enum  Arc::PeriodBase {
  Arc::PeriodNanoseconds, Arc::PeriodMicroseconds, Arc::PeriodMiliseconds, Arc::PeriodSeconds,
  Arc::PeriodMinutes, Arc::PeriodHours, Arc::PeriodDays, Arc::PeriodWeeks
 Base to use when constructing a new Period. More...
enum  Arc::LogLevel {
  Arc::DEBUG = 1, Arc::VERBOSE = 2, Arc::INFO = 4, Arc::WARNING = 8,
  Arc::ERROR = 16, Arc::FATAL = 32
 Logging levels for tagging and filtering log messages. More...
enum  Arc::LogFormat {
  Arc::LongFormat, Arc::MediumFormat, Arc::ShortFormat, Arc::DebugFormat,
 Output formats. Defines prefix for each message. More...
enum  Arc::escape_type { Arc::escape_char, Arc::escape_octal, Arc::escape_hex, Arc::escape_hex_upper }
 Type of escaping or encoding to use. More...
enum  Arc::ServiceType { Arc::COMPUTING, Arc::INDEX }
 Type of service. More...


std::ostream & Arc::operator<< (std::ostream &, const Period &)
 Prints a Period-object to the given ostream – typically cout. More...
std::ostream & Arc::operator<< (std::ostream &, const Time &)
 Prints a Time-object to the given ostream – typically cout. More...
std::string Arc::TimeStamp (const TimeFormat &=Time::GetFormat())
 Returns a time-stamp of the current time in some format. More...
std::string Arc::TimeStamp (Time, const TimeFormat &=Time::GetFormat())
 Returns a time-stamp of some specified time in some format. More...
bool Arc::FileCopy (const std::string &source_path, const std::string &destination_path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
 Copy file source_path to file destination_path. More...
bool Arc::FileCopy (const std::string &source_path, const std::string &destination_path)
 Copy file source_path to file destination_path. More...
bool Arc::FileCopy (const std::string &source_path, int destination_handle)
 Copy file source_path to file handle destination_handle. More...
bool Arc::FileCopy (int source_handle, const std::string &destination_path)
 Copy from file handle source_handle to file destination_path. More...
bool Arc::FileCopy (int source_handle, int destination_handle)
 Copy from file handle source_handle to file handle destination_handle. More...
bool Arc::FileRead (const std::string &filename, std::list< std::string > &data, uid_t uid=0, gid_t gid=0)
 Simple method to read file content from filename. More...
bool Arc::FileRead (const std::string &filename, std::string &data, uid_t uid=0, gid_t gid=0)
 Simple method to read whole file content from filename. More...
bool Arc::FileCreate (const std::string &filename, const std::string &data, uid_t uid=0, gid_t gid=0, mode_t mode=0)
 Simple method to create a new file containing given data. More...
bool Arc::FileStat (const std::string &path, struct stat *st, bool follow_symlinks)
 Stat a file and put info into the st struct. More...
bool Arc::FileStat (const std::string &path, struct stat *st, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, bool follow_symlinks)
 Stat a file using the specified uid and gid and put info into the st struct. More...
bool Arc::FileLink (const std::string &oldpath, const std::string &newpath, bool symbolic)
 Make symbolic or hard link of file. More...
bool Arc::FileLink (const std::string &oldpath, const std::string &newpath, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, bool symbolic)
 Make symbolic or hard link of file using the specified uid and gid. More...
std::string Arc::FileReadLink (const std::string &path)
 Returns path at which symbolic link is pointing. More...
std::string Arc::FileReadLink (const std::string &path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
 Returns path at which symbolic link is pointing using the specified uid and gid. More...
bool Arc::FileDelete (const std::string &path)
 Deletes file at path. More...
bool Arc::FileDelete (const std::string &path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
 Deletes file at path using the specified uid and gid. More...
bool Arc::DirCreate (const std::string &path, mode_t mode, bool with_parents=false)
 Create a new directory. More...
bool Arc::DirCreate (const std::string &path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, mode_t mode, bool with_parents=false)
 Create a new directory using the specified uid and gid. More...
bool Arc::DirDelete (const std::string &path, bool recursive=true)
 Delete a directory, and its content if recursive is true. More...
bool Arc::DirDelete (const std::string &path, bool recursive, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
 Delete a directory, and its content if recursive is true. More...
bool Arc::DirDeleteExcl (const std::string &path, const std::list< std::string > &files, bool excl)
 Delete contents of a directory, including or excluding certain files. More...
bool Arc::DirDeleteExcl (const std::string &path, const std::list< std::string > &files, bool excl, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
 Delete contents of a directory, including or excluding certain files, using the specified uid and gid. More...
bool Arc::DirList (const std::string &path, std::list< std::string > &entries, bool recursive)
 List all entries in a directory. More...
bool Arc::DirList (const std::string &path, std::list< std::string > &entries, bool recursive, uid_t uid, gid_t gid)
 List all entries in a directory using the specified uid and gid. More...
bool Arc::TmpDirCreate (std::string &path)
 Create a temporary directory under the system defined temp location, and return its path. More...
bool Arc::TmpFileCreate (std::string &filename, const std::string &data, uid_t uid=0, gid_t gid=0, mode_t mode=0)
 Simple method to create a temporary file containing given data. More...
bool Arc::CanonicalDir (std::string &name, bool leading_slash=true, bool trailing_slash=false)
 Removes /../ from 'name'. More...
void Arc::GUID (std::string &guid)
 Generates a unique identifier using information such as IP address, current time etc. More...
std::string Arc::UUID (void)
 Generates a unique identifier using the system uuid libraries. More...
const char * Arc::FindTrans (const char *p)
 Return the translation of the given string. More...
const char * Arc::FindNTrans (const char *s, const char *p, unsigned long n)
 Return the plural form translation of the given string when it refers to multiple n. More...
std::ostream & Arc::operator<< (std::ostream &os, const LoggerFormat &format)
 Allows printing of messages to streams using ARC Logger formatting. More...
std::ostream & Arc::operator<< (std::ostream &os, LogLevel level)
 Printing of LogLevel values to ostreams. More...
LogLevel Arc::string_to_level (const std::string &str)
 Convert string to a LogLevel. More...
LogLevel Arc::istring_to_level (const std::string &llStr)
 Convert string case-insensitively to a LogLevel. More...
bool Arc::istring_to_level (const std::string &llStr, LogLevel &ll)
 Case-insensitive parsing of a string to a LogLevel with error response. More...
bool Arc::string_to_level (const std::string &str, LogLevel &ll)
 Same as istring_to_level except it is case-sensitive. More...
std::string Arc::level_to_string (const LogLevel &level)
 Convert LogLevel to a string. More...
LogLevel Arc::old_level_to_level (unsigned int old_level)
 Convert an old-style log level (int from 0 to 5) to a LogLevel. More...
template<typename T >
Arc::stringto (const std::string &s)
 This method converts a string to any type. More...
template<typename T >
bool Arc::stringto (const std::string &s, T &t)
 This method converts a string to any type but lets calling function process errors. More...
bool Arc::strtoint (const std::string &s, signed int &t, int base=10)
 Convert string to integer with specified base. More...
bool Arc::strtoint (const std::string &s, unsigned int &t, int base=10)
 Convert string to unsigned integer with specified base. More...
bool Arc::strtoint (const std::string &s, signed long &t, int base=10)
 Convert string to long integer with specified base. More...
bool Arc::strtoint (const std::string &s, unsigned long &t, int base=10)
 Convert string to unsigned long integer with specified base. More...
bool Arc::strtoint (const std::string &s, signed long long &t, int base=10)
 Convert string to long long integer with specified base. More...
bool Arc::strtoint (const std::string &s, unsigned long long &t, int base=10)
 Convert string to unsigned long long integer with specified base. More...
template<typename T >
std::string Arc::tostring (T t, int width=0, int precision=0)
 This method converts any type to a string of the width given. More...
std::string Arc::inttostr (signed long long t, int base=10, int width=0)
 Convert long long integer to textual representation for specified base. More...
std::string Arc::inttostr (unsigned long long t, int base=10, int width=0)
 Convert unsigned long long integer to textual representation for specified base. More...
std::string Arc::inttostr (signed int t, int base=10, int width=0)
 Convert integer to textual representation for specied base. More...
std::string Arc::inttostr (unsigned int t, int base=10, int width=0)
 Convert unsigned integer to textual representation for specied base. More...
std::string Arc::inttostr (signed long t, int base=10, int width=0)
 Convert long integer to textual representation for specied base. More...
std::string Arc::inttostr (unsigned long t, int base=10, int width=0)
 Convert unsigned long integer to textual representation for specied base. More...
std::string Arc::booltostr (bool b)
 Convert bool to textual representation, i.e. "true" or "false". More...
bool Arc::strtobool (const std::string &s)
 Convert string to bool. Simply checks string if equal to "true" or "1". More...
bool Arc::strtobool (const std::string &s, bool &b)
 Convert string to bool. More...
std::string Arc::lower (const std::string &s)
 This method converts the given string to lower case. More...
std::string Arc::upper (const std::string &s)
 This method converts the given string to upper case. More...
void Arc::tokenize (const std::string &str, std::vector< std::string > &tokens, const std::string &delimiters=" ", const std::string &start_quotes="", const std::string &end_quotes="")
 This method tokenizes string. More...
void Arc::tokenize (const std::string &str, std::list< std::string > &tokens, const std::string &delimiters=" ", const std::string &start_quotes="", const std::string &end_quotes="")
 This method tokenizes string. More...
std::string::size_type Arc::get_token (std::string &token, const std::string &str, std::string::size_type pos, const std::string &delimiters=" ", const std::string &start_quotes="", const std::string &end_quotes="")
 This method extracts first token in string str starting at pos. More...
std::string Arc::trim (const std::string &str, const char *sep=NULL)
 This method removes given separators from the beginning and the end of the string. More...
std::string Arc::strip (const std::string &str)
 This method removes blank lines from the passed text string. Lines with only space on them are considered blank. More...
std::string Arc::join (const std::list< std::string > &strlist, const std::string &delimiter)
 Join all the elements in strlist using delimiter. More...
std::string Arc::join (const std::vector< std::string > &strlist, const std::string &delimiter)
 Join all the elements in strlist using delimiter. More...
std::string Arc::uri_encode (const std::string &str, bool encode_slash)
 This method %-encodes characters in URI str. More...
std::string Arc::uri_unencode (const std::string &str)
 This method unencodes the %-encoded URI str. More...
std::string Arc::convert_to_rdn (const std::string &dn)
 Convert dn to rdn: /O=Grid/OU=Knowarc/CN=abc —> CN=abc,OU=Knowarc,O=Grid. More...
std::string Arc::escape_chars (const std::string &str, const std::string &chars, char esc, bool excl, escape_type type=escape_char)
 Escape or encode the given chars in str using the escape character esc. More...
std::string Arc::unescape_chars (const std::string &str, char esc, escape_type type=escape_char)
 Unescape or unencode characters in str escaped with esc. More...
std::string Arc::extract_escaped_token (std::string &input, char sep, char esc, escape_type type=escape_char)
 Extract first charcters from input till separator taking into account escape rules. More...
bool Arc::CreateThreadFunction (void(*func)(void *), void *arg, SimpleCounter *count=NULL)
 Helper function to create simple thread. More...
std::string Arc::tostring (const ServiceType st)
 Returns "computing" if st is COMPUTING, "index" if st is "INDEX", otherwise an empty string. More...
std::string Arc::GetEnv (const std::string &var)
 Portable function for getting environment variables. Protected by shared lock. More...
std::string Arc::GetEnv (const std::string &var, bool &found)
 Portable function for getting environment variables. Protected by shared lock. More...
std::list< std::string > Arc::GetEnv ()
 Portable function for getting all environment variables. Protected by shared lock. More...
bool Arc::SetEnv (const std::string &var, const std::string &value, bool overwrite=true)
 Portable function for setting environment variables. Protected by exclusive lock. More...
void Arc::UnsetEnv (const std::string &var)
 Portable function for unsetting environment variables. Protected by exclusive lock. More...
void Arc::EnvLockAcquire (void)
 Obtain lock on environment. More...
void Arc::EnvLockRelease (void)
 Release lock on environment. More...
void Arc::EnvLockWrap (bool all=false)
 Start code which is using setenv/getenv. More...
void Arc::EnvLockUnwrap (bool all=false)
 End code which is using setenv/getenv. More...
void Arc::EnvLockUnwrapComplete (void)
 Use after fork() to reset all internal variables and release all locks. More...
 Arc::EnvLockWrapper::EnvLockWrapper (bool all=false)
 Create a new environment lock for using setenv/getenv. More...
 Arc::EnvLockWrapper::~EnvLockWrapper (void)
 Release environment lock. More...
std::string Arc::StrError (int errnum=errno)
 Portable function for obtaining description of last system error. More...
 Arc::AutoPointer< T >::AutoPointer (AutoPointer< T > const &o)
 Arc::AutoPointer< T >::AutoPointer (void(*d)(T *)=&DefaultDeleter)
 NULL pointer constructor. More...
 Arc::AutoPointer< T >::AutoPointer (T *o, void(*d)(T *)=&DefaultDeleter)
 Constructor which wraps pointer and optionally defines deletion function. More...
 Arc::AutoPointer< T >::AutoPointer (AutoPointer< T > &o)
 Moving constructor. More...
 Arc::AutoPointer< T >::~AutoPointer (void)
 Destructor destroys wrapped object using assigned deleter. More...
AutoPointer< T > & Arc::AutoPointer< T >::operator= (T *o)
AutoPointer< T > & Arc::AutoPointer< T >::operator= (AutoPointer< T > &o)
T & Arc::AutoPointer< T >::operator* (void) const
 For referring wrapped object. More...
T * Arc::AutoPointer< T >::operator-> (void) const
 For referring wrapped object. More...
 Arc::AutoPointer< T >::operator bool (void) const
 Returns false if pointer is NULL and true otherwise. More...
bool Arc::AutoPointer< T >::operator! (void) const
 Returns true if pointer is NULL and false otherwise. More...
T * Arc::AutoPointer< T >::Ptr (void) const
 Cast to original pointer. More...
T & Arc::AutoPointer< T >::operator[] (int pos)
T const & Arc::AutoPointer< T >::operator[] (int pos) const
T * Arc::AutoPointer< T >::Release (void)
 Release referred object so that it can be passed to other container. More...
 Arc::CountedPointer< T >::Base< P >::Base (P *p)
Base< P > * Arc::CountedPointer< T >::Base< P >::add (void)
bool Arc::CountedPointer< T >::Base< P >::rem (void)
 Arc::CountedPointer< T >::CountedPointer (T *p=NULL)
 Arc::CountedPointer< T >::CountedPointer (const CountedPointer< T > &p)
CountedPointer< T > & Arc::CountedPointer< T >::operator= (T *p)
CountedPointer< T > & Arc::CountedPointer< T >::operator= (const CountedPointer< T > &p)
T & Arc::CountedPointer< T >::operator* (void) const
 For referring wrapped object. More...
T * Arc::CountedPointer< T >::operator-> (void) const
 For referring wrapped object. More...
 Arc::CountedPointer< T >::operator bool (void) const
 Returns false if pointer is NULL and true otherwise. More...
bool Arc::CountedPointer< T >::operator! (void) const
 Returns true if pointer is NULL and false otherwise. More...
bool Arc::CountedPointer< T >::operator== (const CountedPointer &p) const
 Returns true if pointers are equal. More...
bool Arc::CountedPointer< T >::operator!= (const CountedPointer &p) const
 Returns true if pointers are not equal. More...
bool Arc::CountedPointer< T >::operator< (const CountedPointer &p) const
 Comparison operator. More...
T * Arc::CountedPointer< T >::Ptr (void) const
 Cast to original pointer. More...
T * Arc::CountedPointer< T >::Release (void)
 Release referred object so that it can be passed to other container. More...
bool Arc::PersistentLibraryInit (const std::string &name)
 Load library and keep persistent. More...
std::ostream & Arc::operator<< (std::ostream &out, const XMLNode &node)
 Write XMLNode to output stream. More...
std::istream & Arc::operator>> (std::istream &in, XMLNode &node)
 Read into XMLNode from input stream. More...
bool Arc::MatchXMLName (const XMLNode &node1, const XMLNode &node2)
 Returns true if underlying XML elements have same names. More...
bool Arc::MatchXMLName (const XMLNode &node, const char *name)
 Returns true if 'name' matches name of 'node'. If name contains prefix it's checked too. More...
bool Arc::MatchXMLName (const XMLNode &node, const std::string &name)
 Returns true if 'name' matches name of 'node'. If name contains prefix it's checked too. More...
bool Arc::MatchXMLNamespace (const XMLNode &node1, const XMLNode &node2)
 Returns true if underlying XML elements belong to same namespaces. More...
bool Arc::MatchXMLNamespace (const XMLNode &node, const char *uri)
 Returns true if 'namespace' matches 'node's namespace.. More...
bool Arc::MatchXMLNamespace (const XMLNode &node, const std::string &uri)
 Returns true if 'namespace' matches 'node's namespace.. More...


Logger Arc::stringLogger
int Arc::CountedPointer< T >::Base< P >::cnt
P * Arc::CountedPointer< T >::Base< P >::ptr
bool Arc::CountedPointer< T >::Base< P >::released

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ARC_VERSION   "6.0.0"

ARC API version



ARC API major version number



ARC API minor version number


#define ARC_VERSION_NUM   0x060000

ARC API version number



ARC API patch number

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ escape_type

Type of escaping or encoding to use.


place the escape character before the character being escaped


octal encoding of the character


hex encoding of the character (lower case)


hex encoding of the character (upper case)

◆ LogFormat

Output formats. Defines prefix for each message.


All information about message is printed.


All information except domain is printed.

Added in 4.0.0.

Only message level is printed.


Message time (microsecond precision) and time difference from previous message are printed. This format is mostly meant for profiling.


Only message is printed.

◆ LogLevel

Logging levels for tagging and filtering log messages.


DEBUG level designates finer-grained informational events which should only be used for debugging purposes.


VERBOSE level designates fine-grained informational events that will give additional information about the application.


INFO level designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level.


WARNING level designates potentially harmful situations.


ERROR level designates error events that might still allow the application to continue running.


FATAL level designates very severe error events that will presumably lead the application to abort.

◆ PeriodBase

Base to use when constructing a new Period.

















◆ ServiceType

Type of service.


A service that processes jobs.


A service that provides information.

◆ TimeFormat

An enumeration that contains the possible textual time formats.
















YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.mmmmmm (microseconds resolution)


YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.mmm (milliseconds resolution, suitable for Elasticsearch)

Function Documentation

◆ AutoPointer() [1/3]

template<typename T>
Arc::AutoPointer< T >::AutoPointer ( void(*)(T *)  d = &DefaultDeleter)

NULL pointer constructor.

◆ AutoPointer() [2/3]

template<typename T>
Arc::AutoPointer< T >::AutoPointer ( T *  o,
void(*)(T *)  d = &DefaultDeleter 

Constructor which wraps pointer and optionally defines deletion function.

◆ AutoPointer() [3/3]

template<typename T>
Arc::AutoPointer< T >::AutoPointer ( AutoPointer< T > &  o)

Moving constructor.

◆ booltostr()

std::string Arc::booltostr ( bool  b)

Convert bool to textual representation, i.e. "true" or "false".

◆ CanonicalDir()

bool Arc::CanonicalDir ( std::string &  name,
bool  leading_slash = true,
bool  trailing_slash = false 

Removes /../ from 'name'.

If leading_slash=true '/' will be added at the beginning of 'name' if missing. Otherwise it will be removed. The directory separator used here depends on the platform. If trailing_slash=true a trailing slash will not be removed.

false if it is not possible to remove all the ../

◆ convert_to_rdn()

std::string Arc::convert_to_rdn ( const std::string &  dn)

Convert dn to rdn: /O=Grid/OU=Knowarc/CN=abc —> CN=abc,OU=Knowarc,O=Grid.

◆ CreateThreadFunction()

bool Arc::CreateThreadFunction ( void(*)(void *)  func,
void *  arg,
SimpleCounter count = NULL 

Helper function to create simple thread.

It takes care of all the peculiarities of the Glib::Thread API. It runs function 'func' with argument 'arg' in a separate thread. If count parameter is not NULL then count will be incremented before this function returns and then decremented when thread finishes.

true on success.

◆ DirCreate() [1/2]

bool Arc::DirCreate ( const std::string &  path,
mode_t  mode,
bool  with_parents = false 

Create a new directory.

◆ DirCreate() [2/2]

bool Arc::DirCreate ( const std::string &  path,
uid_t  uid,
gid_t  gid,
mode_t  mode,
bool  with_parents = false 

Create a new directory using the specified uid and gid.

Specified uid and gid are used for accessing filesystem.

◆ DirDelete() [1/2]

bool Arc::DirDelete ( const std::string &  path,
bool  recursive = true 

Delete a directory, and its content if recursive is true.

If the directory is not empty and recursive is false DirDelete will fail.

◆ DirDelete() [2/2]

bool Arc::DirDelete ( const std::string &  path,
bool  recursive,
uid_t  uid,
gid_t  gid 

Delete a directory, and its content if recursive is true.

If the directory is not empty and recursive is false DirDelete will fail. Specified uid and gid are used for accessing filesystem.

◆ DirDeleteExcl() [1/2]

bool Arc::DirDeleteExcl ( const std::string &  path,
const std::list< std::string > &  files,
bool  excl 

Delete contents of a directory, including or excluding certain files.

If excl is true, all files except those specified in files will be deleted. If excl is false, only the files in files will be deleted. files is a list of paths relative to path. Each entry must begin with '/'. Note that path itself is not deleted.

◆ DirDeleteExcl() [2/2]

bool Arc::DirDeleteExcl ( const std::string &  path,
const std::list< std::string > &  files,
bool  excl,
uid_t  uid,
gid_t  gid 

Delete contents of a directory, including or excluding certain files, using the specified uid and gid.

If excl is true, all files except those specified in files will be deleted. If excl is false, only the files in files will be deleted. files is a list of paths relative to path. Each entry must begin with '/'. Note that path itself is not deleted.

◆ DirList() [1/2]

bool Arc::DirList ( const std::string &  path,
std::list< std::string > &  entries,
bool  recursive 

List all entries in a directory.

If path is not a directory or cannot be listed then false is returned. On success entries is filled with the list of entries in the directory. The entries are appended to path.

◆ DirList() [2/2]

bool Arc::DirList ( const std::string &  path,
std::list< std::string > &  entries,
bool  recursive,
uid_t  uid,
gid_t  gid 

List all entries in a directory using the specified uid and gid.

If path is not a directory or cannot be listed then false is returned. On success entries is filled with the list of entries in the directory. The entries are appended to path.

◆ EnvLockAcquire()

void Arc::EnvLockAcquire ( void  )

Obtain lock on environment.

For use with external libraries using unprotected setenv/getenv in a multi-threaded environment.

◆ EnvLockRelease()

void Arc::EnvLockRelease ( void  )

Release lock on environment.

For use with external libraries using unprotected setenv/getenv in a multi-threaded environment.

◆ EnvLockUnwrap()

void Arc::EnvLockUnwrap ( bool  all = false)

End code which is using setenv/getenv.

For use with external libraries using unprotected setenv/getenv in a multi-threaded environment.

allmust be same as in corresponding EnvLockWrap.

◆ EnvLockUnwrapComplete()

void Arc::EnvLockUnwrapComplete ( void  )

Use after fork() to reset all internal variables and release all locks.

For use with external libraries using unprotected setenv/getenv in a multi-threaded environment. This function is deprecated.

◆ EnvLockWrap()

void Arc::EnvLockWrap ( bool  all = false)

Start code which is using setenv/getenv.

For use with external libraries using unprotected setenv/getenv in a multi-threaded environment. Must always have corresponding EnvLockUnwrap.

allset to true for setenv and false for getenv.

◆ EnvLockWrapper()

Arc::EnvLockWrapper::EnvLockWrapper ( bool  all = false)

Create a new environment lock for using setenv/getenv.

allset to true for setenv and false for getenv.

◆ escape_chars()

std::string Arc::escape_chars ( const std::string &  str,
const std::string &  chars,
char  esc,
bool  excl,
escape_type  type = escape_char 

Escape or encode the given chars in str using the escape character esc.

If excl is true then escape all characters not in chars.

◆ extract_escaped_token()

std::string Arc::extract_escaped_token ( std::string &  input,
char  sep,
char  esc,
escape_type  type = escape_char 

Extract first charcters from input till separator taking into account escape rules.

◆ FileCopy() [1/5]

bool Arc::FileCopy ( const std::string &  source_path,
const std::string &  destination_path,
uid_t  uid,
gid_t  gid 

Copy file source_path to file destination_path.

Specified uid and gid are used for accessing filesystem.

◆ FileCopy() [2/5]

bool Arc::FileCopy ( const std::string &  source_path,
const std::string &  destination_path 

Copy file source_path to file destination_path.

◆ FileCopy() [3/5]

bool Arc::FileCopy ( const std::string &  source_path,
int  destination_handle 

Copy file source_path to file handle destination_handle.

◆ FileCopy() [4/5]

bool Arc::FileCopy ( int  source_handle,
const std::string &  destination_path 

Copy from file handle source_handle to file destination_path.

◆ FileCopy() [5/5]

bool Arc::FileCopy ( int  source_handle,
int  destination_handle 

Copy from file handle source_handle to file handle destination_handle.

◆ FileCreate()

bool Arc::FileCreate ( const std::string &  filename,
const std::string &  data,
uid_t  uid = 0,
gid_t  gid = 0,
mode_t  mode = 0 

Simple method to create a new file containing given data.

Specified uid and gid are used for accessing filesystem. An existing file is overwritten with the new data. Overwriting is performed atomically so the file is guaranteed to exist throughout the duration of this method. Permissions of the created file are determined by mode, the default is 644 or 600 if uid and gid are non-zero. If protected access is required, FileLock should be used in addition to FileCreate. If uid/gid are zero then no real switch of uid/gid is done.

◆ FileDelete() [1/2]

bool Arc::FileDelete ( const std::string &  path)

Deletes file at path.

◆ FileDelete() [2/2]

bool Arc::FileDelete ( const std::string &  path,
uid_t  uid,
gid_t  gid 

Deletes file at path using the specified uid and gid.

Specified uid and gid are used for accessing filesystem.

◆ FileLink() [1/2]

bool Arc::FileLink ( const std::string &  oldpath,
const std::string &  newpath,
bool  symbolic 

Make symbolic or hard link of file.

◆ FileLink() [2/2]

bool Arc::FileLink ( const std::string &  oldpath,
const std::string &  newpath,
uid_t  uid,
gid_t  gid,
bool  symbolic 

Make symbolic or hard link of file using the specified uid and gid.

Specified uid and gid are used for accessing filesystem.

◆ FileRead() [1/2]

bool Arc::FileRead ( const std::string &  filename,
std::list< std::string > &  data,
uid_t  uid = 0,
gid_t  gid = 0 

Simple method to read file content from filename.

Specified uid and gid are used for accessing filesystem. The content is split into lines with the new line character removed, and the lines are returned in the data list. If protected access is required, FileLock should be used in addition to FileRead.

◆ FileRead() [2/2]

bool Arc::FileRead ( const std::string &  filename,
std::string &  data,
uid_t  uid = 0,
gid_t  gid = 0 

Simple method to read whole file content from filename.

Specified uid and gid are used for accessing filesystem.

◆ FileReadLink() [1/2]

std::string Arc::FileReadLink ( const std::string &  path)

Returns path at which symbolic link is pointing.

◆ FileReadLink() [2/2]

std::string Arc::FileReadLink ( const std::string &  path,
uid_t  uid,
gid_t  gid 

Returns path at which symbolic link is pointing using the specified uid and gid.

Specified uid and gid are used for accessing filesystem.

◆ FileStat() [1/2]

bool Arc::FileStat ( const std::string &  path,
struct stat *  st,
bool  follow_symlinks 

Stat a file and put info into the st struct.

◆ FileStat() [2/2]

bool Arc::FileStat ( const std::string &  path,
struct stat *  st,
uid_t  uid,
gid_t  gid,
bool  follow_symlinks 

Stat a file using the specified uid and gid and put info into the st struct.

Specified uid and gid are used for accessing filesystem.

◆ FindNTrans()

const char* Arc::FindNTrans ( const char *  s,
const char *  p,
unsigned long  n 

Return the plural form translation of the given string when it refers to multiple n.

◆ FindTrans()

const char* Arc::FindTrans ( const char *  p)

Return the translation of the given string.

◆ get_token()

std::string::size_type Arc::get_token ( std::string &  token,
const std::string &  str,
std::string::size_type  pos,
const std::string &  delimiters = " ",
const std::string &  start_quotes = "",
const std::string &  end_quotes = "" 

This method extracts first token in string str starting at pos.

◆ GetEnv() [1/3]

std::string Arc::GetEnv ( const std::string &  var)

Portable function for getting environment variables. Protected by shared lock.

◆ GetEnv() [2/3]

std::string Arc::GetEnv ( const std::string &  var,
bool &  found 

Portable function for getting environment variables. Protected by shared lock.

◆ GetEnv() [3/3]

std::list<std::string> Arc::GetEnv ( )

Portable function for getting all environment variables. Protected by shared lock.

◆ GUID()

void Arc::GUID ( std::string &  guid)

Generates a unique identifier using information such as IP address, current time etc.

◆ inttostr() [1/6]

std::string Arc::inttostr ( signed long long  t,
int  base = 10,
int  width = 0 

Convert long long integer to textual representation for specified base.

The result is left-padded with zeroes to make the string size width.

◆ inttostr() [2/6]

std::string Arc::inttostr ( unsigned long long  t,
int  base = 10,
int  width = 0 

Convert unsigned long long integer to textual representation for specified base.

The result is left-padded with zeroes to make the string size width.

◆ inttostr() [3/6]

std::string Arc::inttostr ( signed int  t,
int  base = 10,
int  width = 0 

Convert integer to textual representation for specied base.

The result is left-padded with zeroes to make the string size width.

◆ inttostr() [4/6]

std::string Arc::inttostr ( unsigned int  t,
int  base = 10,
int  width = 0 

Convert unsigned integer to textual representation for specied base.

The result is left-padded with zeroes to make the string size width.

◆ inttostr() [5/6]

std::string Arc::inttostr ( signed long  t,
int  base = 10,
int  width = 0 

Convert long integer to textual representation for specied base.

The result is left-padded with zeroes to make the string size width.

◆ inttostr() [6/6]

std::string Arc::inttostr ( unsigned long  t,
int  base = 10,
int  width = 0 

Convert unsigned long integer to textual representation for specied base.

The result is left-padded with zeroes to make the string size width.

◆ istring_to_level() [1/2]

LogLevel Arc::istring_to_level ( const std::string &  llStr)

Convert string case-insensitively to a LogLevel.

Added in 4.1.0.

◆ istring_to_level() [2/2]

bool Arc::istring_to_level ( const std::string &  llStr,
LogLevel ll 

Case-insensitive parsing of a string to a LogLevel with error response.

The method will try to parse (case-insensitive) the argument string to a corresponding LogLevel. If the method succeeds, true will be returned and the argument ll will be set to the parsed LogLevel. If the parsing fails false will be returned. The parsing succeeds if llStr match (case-insensitively) one of the names of the LogLevel members.

llStra string which should be parsed to a Arc::LogLevel.
lla Arc::LogLevel reference which will be set to the matching Arc::LogLevel upon successful parsing.
true in case of successful parsing, otherwise false.
See also

◆ join() [1/2]

std::string Arc::join ( const std::list< std::string > &  strlist,
const std::string &  delimiter 

Join all the elements in strlist using delimiter.

Added in 4.1.0.

◆ join() [2/2]

std::string Arc::join ( const std::vector< std::string > &  strlist,
const std::string &  delimiter 

Join all the elements in strlist using delimiter.

Added in 4.1.1.

◆ level_to_string()

std::string Arc::level_to_string ( const LogLevel level)

Convert LogLevel to a string.

◆ lower()

std::string Arc::lower ( const std::string &  s)

This method converts the given string to lower case.

◆ MatchXMLName() [1/3]

bool Arc::MatchXMLName ( const XMLNode node1,
const XMLNode node2 

Returns true if underlying XML elements have same names.

◆ MatchXMLName() [2/3]

bool Arc::MatchXMLName ( const XMLNode node,
const char *  name 

Returns true if 'name' matches name of 'node'. If name contains prefix it's checked too.

◆ MatchXMLName() [3/3]

bool Arc::MatchXMLName ( const XMLNode node,
const std::string &  name 

Returns true if 'name' matches name of 'node'. If name contains prefix it's checked too.

◆ MatchXMLNamespace() [1/3]

bool Arc::MatchXMLNamespace ( const XMLNode node1,
const XMLNode node2 

Returns true if underlying XML elements belong to same namespaces.

◆ MatchXMLNamespace() [2/3]

bool Arc::MatchXMLNamespace ( const XMLNode node,
const char *  uri 

Returns true if 'namespace' matches 'node's namespace..

◆ MatchXMLNamespace() [3/3]

bool Arc::MatchXMLNamespace ( const XMLNode node,
const std::string &  uri 

Returns true if 'namespace' matches 'node's namespace..

◆ old_level_to_level()

LogLevel Arc::old_level_to_level ( unsigned int  old_level)

Convert an old-style log level (int from 0 to 5) to a LogLevel.

◆ operator bool() [1/2]

template<typename T>
Arc::AutoPointer< T >::operator bool ( void  ) const

Returns false if pointer is NULL and true otherwise.

◆ operator bool() [2/2]

template<typename T>
Arc::CountedPointer< T >::operator bool ( void  ) const

Returns false if pointer is NULL and true otherwise.

◆ operator!() [1/2]

template<typename T>
bool Arc::AutoPointer< T >::operator! ( void  ) const

Returns true if pointer is NULL and false otherwise.

◆ operator!() [2/2]

template<typename T>
bool Arc::CountedPointer< T >::operator! ( void  ) const

Returns true if pointer is NULL and false otherwise.

◆ operator!=()

template<typename T>
bool Arc::CountedPointer< T >::operator!= ( const CountedPointer< T > &  p) const

Returns true if pointers are not equal.

◆ operator*() [1/2]

template<typename T>
T& Arc::AutoPointer< T >::operator* ( void  ) const

For referring wrapped object.

◆ operator*() [2/2]

template<typename T>
T& Arc::CountedPointer< T >::operator* ( void  ) const

For referring wrapped object.

◆ operator->() [1/2]

template<typename T>
T* Arc::AutoPointer< T >::operator-> ( void  ) const

For referring wrapped object.

◆ operator->() [2/2]

template<typename T>
T* Arc::CountedPointer< T >::operator-> ( void  ) const

For referring wrapped object.

◆ operator<()

template<typename T>
bool Arc::CountedPointer< T >::operator< ( const CountedPointer< T > &  p) const

Comparison operator.

◆ operator<<() [1/5]

std::ostream& Arc::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const LoggerFormat format 

Allows printing of messages to streams using ARC Logger formatting.

◆ operator<<() [2/5]

std::ostream& Arc::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
LogLevel  level 

Printing of LogLevel values to ostreams.

Output operator so that LogLevel values can be printed in a nicer way.

◆ operator<<() [3/5]

std::ostream& Arc::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const Period  

Prints a Period-object to the given ostream – typically cout.

◆ operator<<() [4/5]

std::ostream& Arc::operator<< ( std::ostream &  ,
const Time  

Prints a Time-object to the given ostream – typically cout.

◆ operator<<() [5/5]

std::ostream& Arc::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const XMLNode node 

Write XMLNode to output stream.

◆ operator==()

template<typename T>
bool Arc::CountedPointer< T >::operator== ( const CountedPointer< T > &  p) const

Returns true if pointers are equal.

◆ operator>>()

std::istream& Arc::operator>> ( std::istream &  in,
XMLNode node 

Read into XMLNode from input stream.

◆ PersistentLibraryInit()

bool Arc::PersistentLibraryInit ( const std::string &  name)

Load library and keep persistent.

◆ Ptr() [1/2]

template<typename T>
T* Arc::AutoPointer< T >::Ptr ( void  ) const

Cast to original pointer.

◆ Ptr() [2/2]

template<typename T>
T* Arc::CountedPointer< T >::Ptr ( void  ) const

Cast to original pointer.

◆ Release() [1/2]

template<typename T>
T* Arc::AutoPointer< T >::Release ( void  )

Release referred object so that it can be passed to other container.

◆ Release() [2/2]

template<typename T>
T* Arc::CountedPointer< T >::Release ( void  )

Release referred object so that it can be passed to other container.

◆ SetEnv()

bool Arc::SetEnv ( const std::string &  var,
const std::string &  value,
bool  overwrite = true 

Portable function for setting environment variables. Protected by exclusive lock.

◆ StrError()

std::string Arc::StrError ( int  errnum = errno)

Portable function for obtaining description of last system error.

◆ string_to_level() [1/2]

LogLevel Arc::string_to_level ( const std::string &  str)

Convert string to a LogLevel.

◆ string_to_level() [2/2]

bool Arc::string_to_level ( const std::string &  str,
LogLevel ll 

Same as istring_to_level except it is case-sensitive.

◆ stringto() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T Arc::stringto ( const std::string &  s)

This method converts a string to any type.

◆ stringto() [2/2]

template<typename T >
bool Arc::stringto ( const std::string &  s,
T &  t 

This method converts a string to any type but lets calling function process errors.

◆ strip()

std::string Arc::strip ( const std::string &  str)

This method removes blank lines from the passed text string. Lines with only space on them are considered blank.

◆ strtobool() [1/2]

bool Arc::strtobool ( const std::string &  s)

Convert string to bool. Simply checks string if equal to "true" or "1".

◆ strtobool() [2/2]

bool Arc::strtobool ( const std::string &  s,
bool &  b 

Convert string to bool.

Checks whether string is equal to one of "true", "false", "1" or "0", and if not returns false. If equal, true is returned and the bool reference is set to true, if string equals "true" or "1", otherwise it is set to false.

◆ strtoint() [1/6]

bool Arc::strtoint ( const std::string &  s,
signed int &  t,
int  base = 10 

Convert string to integer with specified base.

false if any argument is wrong.

◆ strtoint() [2/6]

bool Arc::strtoint ( const std::string &  s,
unsigned int &  t,
int  base = 10 

Convert string to unsigned integer with specified base.

false if any argument is wrong.

◆ strtoint() [3/6]

bool Arc::strtoint ( const std::string &  s,
signed long &  t,
int  base = 10 

Convert string to long integer with specified base.

false if any argument is wrong.

◆ strtoint() [4/6]

bool Arc::strtoint ( const std::string &  s,
unsigned long &  t,
int  base = 10 

Convert string to unsigned long integer with specified base.

false if any argument is wrong.

◆ strtoint() [5/6]

bool Arc::strtoint ( const std::string &  s,
signed long long &  t,
int  base = 10 

Convert string to long long integer with specified base.

false if any argument is wrong.

◆ strtoint() [6/6]

bool Arc::strtoint ( const std::string &  s,
unsigned long long &  t,
int  base = 10 

Convert string to unsigned long long integer with specified base.

false if any argument is wrong.

◆ TimeStamp() [1/2]

std::string Arc::TimeStamp ( const TimeFormat = Time::GetFormat())

Returns a time-stamp of the current time in some format.

◆ TimeStamp() [2/2]

std::string Arc::TimeStamp ( Time  ,
const TimeFormat = Time::GetFormat() 

Returns a time-stamp of some specified time in some format.

◆ TmpDirCreate()

bool Arc::TmpDirCreate ( std::string &  path)

Create a temporary directory under the system defined temp location, and return its path.

Uses mkdtemp if available, and a combination of random parameters if not. This latter method is not as safe as mkdtemp.

◆ TmpFileCreate()

bool Arc::TmpFileCreate ( std::string &  filename,
const std::string &  data,
uid_t  uid = 0,
gid_t  gid = 0,
mode_t  mode = 0 

Simple method to create a temporary file containing given data.

Specified uid and gid are used for accessing filesystem. Permissions of the created file are determined by mode, with default being read/write only by owner. If uid/gid are zero then no real switch of uid/gid is done. If the parameter filename ends with "XXXXXX" then the file created has the same path as filename with these characters replaced by random values. If filename has any other value or is empty then the file is created in the system defined temp location. On success filename contains the name of the temporary file. The content of the data argument is written into this file. This method returns true if data was successfully written to the temporary file, false otherwise.

◆ tokenize() [1/2]

void Arc::tokenize ( const std::string &  str,
std::vector< std::string > &  tokens,
const std::string &  delimiters = " ",
const std::string &  start_quotes = "",
const std::string &  end_quotes = "" 

This method tokenizes string.

◆ tokenize() [2/2]

void Arc::tokenize ( const std::string &  str,
std::list< std::string > &  tokens,
const std::string &  delimiters = " ",
const std::string &  start_quotes = "",
const std::string &  end_quotes = "" 

This method tokenizes string.

◆ tostring() [1/2]

std::string Arc::tostring ( const ServiceType  st)

Returns "computing" if st is COMPUTING, "index" if st is "INDEX", otherwise an empty string.

◆ tostring() [2/2]

template<typename T >
std::string Arc::tostring ( t,
int  width = 0,
int  precision = 0 

This method converts any type to a string of the width given.

◆ trim()

std::string Arc::trim ( const std::string &  str,
const char *  sep = NULL 

This method removes given separators from the beginning and the end of the string.

◆ unescape_chars()

std::string Arc::unescape_chars ( const std::string &  str,
char  esc,
escape_type  type = escape_char 

Unescape or unencode characters in str escaped with esc.

◆ UnsetEnv()

void Arc::UnsetEnv ( const std::string &  var)

Portable function for unsetting environment variables. Protected by exclusive lock.

◆ upper()

std::string Arc::upper ( const std::string &  s)

This method converts the given string to upper case.

◆ uri_encode()

std::string Arc::uri_encode ( const std::string &  str,
bool  encode_slash 

This method %-encodes characters in URI str.

Characters which are not unreserved according to RFC 3986 are encoded. If encode_slash is true forward slashes will also be encoded. It is useful to set encode_slash to false when encoding full paths.

◆ uri_unencode()

std::string Arc::uri_unencode ( const std::string &  str)

This method unencodes the %-encoded URI str.

◆ UUID()

std::string Arc::UUID ( void  )

Generates a unique identifier using the system uuid libraries.

◆ ~AutoPointer()

template<typename T>
Arc::AutoPointer< T >::~AutoPointer ( void  )

Destructor destroys wrapped object using assigned deleter.

◆ ~EnvLockWrapper()

Arc::EnvLockWrapper::~EnvLockWrapper ( void  )

Release environment lock.